Brightside provides a range of disability services across NSW and the ACT, which can be delivered at home, at work, or within your local community.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a way for people with disability under 65 to get Government funding for the care and support they need, based on their individual needs and goals.
The NDIS provides funding for all types of things – employment, daily life support, accommodation, activities and much more!
It’s your say all the way. You choose the type of support, when and where you receive it, and which disability service providers you want to deliver the support.
Navigating the NDIS can be tricky. Our experienced staff are here to help you and your family with your NDIS plan, so you can get the most out of your funding and achieve your goals.
Temporary Transformation Payment
In 2019 the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) introduced the Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) which is a loading to assist service providers as they continue to transition to working under the NDIS.
The TTP is not detrimental to you and the amount of support services you need. The NDIA will ensure you have sufficient funding whether you choose to use a provider who uses the TTP or one who doesn’t.
As of 1 July 2021, the TTP is set at 4.5% of the support cost.
Brightside is compliant with the NDIA’s eligibility terms to use TTP prices where applicable.
*All prices subject to change at 1 July 2021 in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue
NDIS Price List
The NDIA has announced a new price guide for 2020-2021 for your NDIS supports. These new prices start on 1 December 2020. You can find more information on the NDIS website.
Each NDIS plan is specific to the person with disability it was created for, so the new prices will affect your plan in a different way to the next person. The NDIA will ensure your funding is increased so the amount of your support services will not be impacted. Here are a few things you need to know.
From 1 December 2020:
- The temporary COVID-19 price increase will come to an end
- Indexation will be applied to prices
- TTP loading will reduce from 7.5% to 6%
- Short notice cancellations will be paid at 100% and the notice period is now 2 business days
- There are new support items available:
– Individual Living Options
– Psychosocial recovery coaching
– Additional employment support line items
– On call overnight monitoring
– Provider travel
A final adjustment of the Equal Remuneration Order (ERO)
Effective 1 December 2020, price limits of 369 support items will increase due to the final ERO adjustment. Price limits for impacted support items will increase by between 1.5% and 2.7%.
For a list of impacted support items, please refer to ‘Price limits determined by the Cost Model’, located in the Disability Support Worker Cost Model 2020-21.
Participants who do not have an NDIS Plan
People with disability that are currently funded by Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) are automatically eligible for the NDIS. You can find more information on eligibility on the NDIS website.
Brightside can assist you with
- Understanding the NDIS and how it works
- Defining your reasonable and necessary supports
- Choosing your future goals and aspirations
- Support in preparing for the application process
Participants who already have an NDIS Plan
If you have an NDIS plan, contact us to find out about our disability supports in your local area.